Couleur Garance

Conservatory Garden of Tinctorial Plants – Natural Dye Garden

The Conservatory Garden of Tinctorial Plants – labelled Remarkable Garden  in 2011 - is situated on the terraced land of the Château de Lauris, in the heart of the Luberon.

Unique in Europe through its size and importance, this botanical garden is entirely devoted to tinctorial plants from which the colours are extracted to be used in dyes, food, cosmetics and painting.

With approximately 250 varieties of plants from around the world, this garden is above all a conservatory bringing forgotten plants back to the forefront. This involves preserving the biodiversity and resuscitating the vast potential of these plants' dye molecules. Everything is managed in an organic and sustainable manner.

The division of the plants into 52 themed plots accompanied by explanatory signs makes the garden an educational space, and a source of inspiration for botanists, scientists and artists who come to visit.

It is open to the general public from May to October  (open tours, audio guides, guided tours)..

A programme of classes and workshops – enriched in 2018 – is offered during the opening time from May to October, to let the general public try different techniques involving natural plant dyes.

In the shop, you will find tinctorial plants gathered from the garden and classified by colour, objects and fabrics made using the natural dyes and a bookshop with documents about colours.

Each year, a different exhibition is devoted to an artist and a related theme.

Open from early May to the end of October, 10am – 12 noon and 2pm - 7pm.
Admission: 6€/adult. Surcharge for the audio guide: 2€.
Free for children under 12 years.

Association Couleur Garance - Maison Aubert - La Calade - 84360 LAURIS

+33 (0)4 90 08 40 48

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