Cod brandade

A recipe for Camargue-style brandade

Ingredients for 10 servings

- 1.5kg salt cod, nice and white and not too thick

- 1/4 litre olive oil

- 1/4 litre milk

- 3 cloves of garlic

- lemon

- nutmeg

- bay leaf

- pepper



Put the cod to de-salt for 12 hours. Make sure i t retains a slightly salty taste.

Cut into even pieces.

In a casserole, cover the cod with cold water to which the garlic, lemon, nutmeg, pepper and a bay leaf have been added.

Heat the casserole on a stove. When a white foam appears, remove from heat, carefully drain the cod and remove any bones.


Keeping the cod warm, heat the milk in one casserole and the oil in another without letting them boil.

Put the cod in a casserole over low heat and press it against the sides of the casserole then, while stirring, add in turns the milk and the oil to obtains a purée. Remove from heat.

Serve on slices of toast or French loaf.

You can also sprinkle grated cheese on the cod brandade pass it under the grill.


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